For a businessman’s note: a basic list of sports equipment and equipment for opening a fitness club

List of sports equipment and equipment for cardio

Cardio machines are a whole group of mechanisms that simulate the usual loads for the human body: walking, running, skiing, cycling, etc. Classes on such simulators also train the heart and lungs – and this is very important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or suffer from excess weight.

So, the “cardio” group includes:

Exercise bikes. They simulate cycling and perfectly develop the muscles of the legs and abs, while not giving a load on the joints and spine.

Treadmills. They simulate running and walking, providing a uniform load on all muscle groups, which is why they are considered one of the most effective for weight loss.

Steppers. They create an imitation of climbing stairs and give a moderate load on the heart, the front and back of the thigh.

Ellipsoids. They involve all muscle groups with which steppers, treadmills and exercise bikes work, while allowing you to make a reverse move, additionally training the muscles of the buttocks.

List of sports equipment and equipment for powerlifting

Exercise machines for the press. They are used to train and stabilize the abdominal muscles. Basically, these are inclined benches, Swedish walls with bars and gymnastic rollers.

For the pectoral muscles. To give the pectoral muscles the correct, athletic shape, hummer simulators and crossovers are used.

For the triceps. Triceps trains on block simulators, with free weight, on bars and block frames.

For the biceps. Biceps is well pumped by free weight, as well as on the Scott bench and biceps machine.

For the muscles of the back. The back is a solid layer of muscles, which requires traction exercises to train. For this purpose, T-neck structures, block simulators and benches for extensions are suitable.

For shoulders and trapeze. These muscle groups require volume training for all three main bundles. Scars with weights, “delta-shaped butterflies” and exercises with free weight will cope with this task. Also, the shoulder muscles develop well when working with rowing machines.