Squash is a game for maintaining health and a great mood

If you are looking for a sport that is ideal for emotional relaxation and well-being, then the favorite game of the British royal family definitely deserves special attention. Plus, this is a great way to get rid of excess weight, develop coordination and even conduct successful business negotiations, which is confirmed by numerous similar scenes in popular foreign films.

What is squash — sport or entertainment?

It is no secret that international competitions are held in this sports discipline. There are professional athletes who are known all over the world. For amateurs, two or three workouts a week are enough. Such a […]

The benefits of Aikido for women


Many people still think that any kind of martial arts directly relate to men. And this is true, because since ancient times they have been considered warriors and defenders. Today, stereotypes are gradually being pushed into the background and the demand for Aikido for women is growing. This is due to the fact that a modern girl is a self-sufficient person who can even stand up for herself. Times change, and with them comes a revision of hobbies and hobbies.

Development of mind and body

The exercises are aimed at stretching, coordination of movements and endurance. They have a positive effect on […]